Enablify is a product accessibility audit agency

We offer deep UX audits to help you identify and fix accessibility in your Website or Mobile app

Lighthouse Audit Comparison

What we offer

Our accessibility auditing process is divided into multiple parts, here's the breakdown of what we do:


Automated Scans

Firstly we run automated scans to find the most common accessibility issues.


Manual Testing

We then conduct manual testing on the product against ADA, Section 508 and WCAG for issues which can't be found by automated tools.


Real Experience Testing

To ensure that nothing was missed we test using accurate simulations and real users.


Detailed Reports

You'll receive a detailed report highlighting all identified issues, along with clear, actionable steps to fix them.



After the issues are fixed we re-test the product to ensure that everything is working as expected.

What are the benefits

Investing in digital accessibility offers a range of benefits for your business and your users.


Legal Compliance

Stay ahead of the law. Many regions require digital accessibility by law, including under ADA in the U.S., AODA in Canada, EAA in Europe and more.

SEO Benefits

Accessibility improvements can also enhance your SEO. Search engines favor websites that are accessible to all users, improving your site's visibility.

Boost Engagement

Sites with higher accessibility standards see increased user engagement and lower bounce rates.

Improve Sales

Over 1 billion people worldwide live with some form of disability. Ensuring your digital platforms are accessible opens your business to a significantly larger audience.

Customer Loyalty

70% of users with disabilities will leave a website that is not accessible. By ensuring your website is accessible, you can retain customers and increase loyalty.


Accessibility is about inclusiveness. By complying, you are making the internet a better place for everyone.

Expertise in Web and Mobile Accessibility Audits

We provide deep audits of your website or mobile app to ensure it is accessible to all users. We provide a detailed report of the issues found and recommendations on how to fix them.

Fast delivery

We ensure a timely delivery of the audit report and are available to answer any questions you may have.

Thorough testing

We use a combination of automated tools and manual testing to ensure that your website or mobile app is accessible to all users.

Actionable Insights

Out audits don't just highlight issues, they offer practical, actionable recommendations.